Dark Ride Page 3
"God, yes," I rasped, "Don't stop. Please, Nathan, keep fucking me good and proper," I moaned, my fingernails raking a path down his well muscled back.
He thrust into me even deeper, his arm drawing my legs up higher so that he could bury himself inside of me to the hilt.
He moaned at the tightness of our connection, his hips swiveled, allowing the head of his cock to hit that magic spot deep inside of me.
"Oh God! Right there! That's it!"
"You like that spot little girl?" he asked, his warm breath caressing my ear, causing me to shiver with pleasure.
"I'm getting ready to come," I mewled, arching my back and pushing my pelvis up against him. My swollen clit was now rubbing against his abdomen, and the wet sounds of our damp skin slapping skin was a testament to just how sexually charged our bodies were as we mated.
I gazed down at the meshing of his black skin against my pearly white, and it was a beautiful sight. I strained to watch his cock as it pistoned in and out of me, and my last shreds of self-control was gone as my orgasm took over.
I moaned and squealed my pleasure as Nathan pounded into me, his husky moans telling me he was coming too. "You ready for my seed, Ms. Pru? Nathan's gonna come and squirt it all inside that tight pussy of yours. You ready to take it?"
"Yes," I said, my orgasm now peaking, "Give it to me," I sobbed, "I'm ready to take it all."
And with a hearty grunt, Nathan pumped into me with a vengeance and then stilled. His eyes were squeezed shut, and he let out an almost feral groan as I felt his dick throb inside of me, followed by the warm, jet stream of his cum as he filled me up with his powerful seed.
Over and over again I could feel the spurts of his cum as his balls emptied themselves inside of me.
Finally, he collapsed down next to me, throwing his forearm up and over his brow, and exhaling a deep breath. "Fuck girl, I'm spent," he said with a sexy growl. "You done took it all and then some."
I giggled and rolled over so that I was lying across his expansive chest. "And just think, in ten or fifteen minutes, we'll be good to go again, right?"
He cocked a brow and gazed down at me, his nostrils flared with his need to mate with me again. As much as I loved the feel of Nathan Crawl fucking me, I knew damn well he enjoyed it every bit as much.
"Damn girl. You gonna wear my black ass out, aren't you?"
"I'd like to try," I replied, "You know what they say---what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."
Chapter 5
Two days later, I was working my shift at the Rexall Drug Store when Velma popped in for a chat. We'd talked on the phone the day after Nathan had come to my house.
Of course, being best friends, Velma and I had no secrets from one another. I'd thoroughly enjoyed giving her a detailed replay of everything that had transpired between Nathan and me the night before. Well, not really the night before, because he'd stayed all through the night, fucking me in every position imaginable---and some that were not.
"Oh no he didn't!" she squealed when I told her how Nathan had lowered my pussy down onto his face and licked the dripping cum from it as it dribbled down onto his chin.
"He surely did," I maintained, "And I sucked him off after he fucked me and tasted myself on his cock!"
"Noooo," she said, and I knew without even seeing her that her eyes were as wide as kid at Christmas. "So, how did it . . . taste?" she asked reluctantly.
"Um . . . well, kinda like tuna," I replied with a giggle. "Nathan even calls it tuna diving."
We both had broken into a fit of laughter with that one.
So, when Velma came bouncing into the drug store right before my lunch break, I was delighted to see my best friend in person. "Hey girl," I said, closing out my register so Molly could take over while I went to lunch, "What brings you into town?"
She shrugged. "I was bored. It's my day off. Thought maybe we could have lunch?"
"Sure thing," I said, giving her a smile and grabbing my purse from under the counter. "Be back in an hour," I called over to Molly. "Where you wanna go?" I asked Velma as we headed out the door.
"How about the Tastee Freeze over on Pike," she suggested, "It's two for one foot long day."
I slowed my steps to a halt. Velma didn't realize it until she'd walked a couple yards ahead of me. She finally turned to see what was holding me up. "What?" she asked, her forehead wrinkled in confusion, "You don't want to go there?"
I started walking toward her, "Velma," I hissed, "That's where the construction crew is laying pipe, remember?"
"Yeah. So? I thought maybe you'd like to run into Nathan. Maybe give him a sexy shake of your tail feathers?" she teased.
"You know if I'm seen anywhere near Nathan, I'm dead white meat. Daddy has people watching me. I just can't take the chance."
She frowned and chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip. Velma was a sweetheart. She really was. With her fiery red hair, and her cute freckle-splattered face, she looked like a fifteen year-old instead of a nineteen-year old same as me. "You know, that just really sucks," she remarked. "How about this. You stay at the gazebo in the center of town, and I'll go get our foot longs and bring them back. We can eat in the shade at the gazebo, how's that?"
I nodded, "That'll work, I reckon. Hey, if you see Nathan, can you give him a message for me? Daddy's back home and breathing down my neck as usual. I'm afraid to even get on my private line. I need to see Nathan again."
"Okay, so what do you want me to tell him?"
I tapped my foot. "I'm thinking," I replied. "Okay, have him to meet me this evening, say around nine o'clock at the log where he fishes."
"You want him to meet you at a . . . log?" she asked, her eyes widening. "Like right out in the open?"
"It'll be getting dark by then, and besides, where that log is, it's pretty secluded. Lots of bushes and trees. Besides that, Daddy will think I'm in my room. I'm gonna sneak out my window."
"Okay," she said with a sigh. "I'll let him know."
"Thanks," I said with a smile, "Now scoot. I'm starving just thinking about how much he's gonna wear my ass and pussy out tonight!"
When Velma got back to the gazebo with our food, she immediately told me that my message had been delivered.
"He's gonna be there, right?" I asked, taking a sip of my chocolate milkshake.
She nodded, taking a huge bite out of her foot long Coney, "But he said to make it ten o'clock instead of nine. Said it'll be darker by then."
"Oh. Okay," I said, feeling a tinge of disappointment that I'd have to wait an extra hour for Nathan to sink his bold black cock into me, but it was worth the wait I suppose.
The rest of the afternoon seemed to drag on once I knew what would be in store for me tonight. I tried my best to keep busy, but every five or ten minutes I was glancing up at the clock. Molly noticed.
"What you keep looking at that clock for, Pru? Got big plans after work? Don't tell me Jeremy Wayne is coming home this evening?"
"Oh. No. He's still out of town. I'm just looking forward to going home, taking me a bubble bath, doing my nails, watching a good movie on television."
"Hmmph," she said, wiping off her counter with a damp cloth, "Don't seem like anything all that special."
"Well . . . uh, I'm hoping to hear from Jeremy, you know? He tries to call me collect a couple of nights a week. He's about due, that's all."
"I see," she replied, her tone told me she wasn't buying it.
Oh well. I didn't care. I didn't answer to Molly, or to anyone else around this hick town that was still full of bigots and judgmental people. It was one reason why I'd decided to select a college up north. It didn't take long for the self-righteous, hypocritical residents of Branchville to get on my freaking nerves, and that included my daddy!
Finally, five o'clock rolled around and my shift was blessedly over. I clocked out and started for home, stopping at Woolworth's to buy some sexy black lace panties and a matching push-up bra. I'd wear these tonight, under one of my summe
r shifts for when I met Nathan at the pond.
I giggled softly thinking about how he'd likely rip them off of me in his need to possess my body with his. His dick; my cunt. It was if they were almost magnetically drawn to one another.
Chapter 6
Once I got home, Charlotte fussed at me until I sat down and ate the supper she'd prepared for me and Daddy. Roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy, and carrots. If Charlotte had her way, I'd pack twenty pounds on in no time. She was always fussing and nagging about me being too skinny, and men liking some meat on the bones.
"What are your plans for this evening, Prudence," Daddy asked, shoveling a forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.
I shrugged. Daddy knew that I was still feeling salty about the way he'd threatened me after catching me with Nathan. "Not much. Taking a bath, doing my nails. Not much else to do."
"Have you heard from Jeremy Wayne?" he asked, wiping his mouth with the linen napkin.
"Not for a few days. Maybe he'll call tonight. I don't know," I replied.
"He's a fine man, Prudence. You'd do well to show him he's worth a damn and get your head outta---"
"More roast, Mayor Baker," Charlotte interrupted bringing another platter of the meat out from the kitchen.
"May I be excused Daddy?" I piped up, scooting my chair away from the table, "I'm full."
"I have a freshly baked apple pie for dessert," Charlotte replied, "You love my pies, Prudence."
"I surely do, Charlotte. Maybe later?"
"You're excused," my father replied testily.
I escaped to my room, happy to be out from under my daddy's watchful eye. I knew he'd be in his room and likely asleep by nine o'clock what with the heavy meal Charlotte prepared for him this evening.
I took a leisurely bubble bath, and then did my nails just as planned. I kept my television on, catching a glimpse of this or that while I prepared myself for my date later with Nathan.
Who was I kidding? This was nothing close to a date. It was more like an appointment to fornicate right out in the open, under a star-studded night sky.
It was kind of romantic--at least that part of it I decided.
Damn it! I'd grown damp just anticipating Nathan and me fucking under the night stars. I glanced at the clock on my dresser. It was only ten minutes after nine. But I didn't care. It was dark enough out. Besides that, it would take me fifteen minutes to walk there, so it was one way to kill time.
Maybe Nathan would show early anyway. Maybe he was just as anxious for our coupling as I was. I smiled at the notion.
I tossed a light cotton red shift over my new black lace underwear, and slid my feet into a pair of tennis shoes, and silently exited my room through the window.
The darkness wasn't quite at full form yet, but it was getting close. The night was going to be lit by a full moon, which I was thankful for to help visibility in the shadowy darkness.
The air was thick with humidity, but a soft breeze was kicking up which made it more bearable. I was spoiled with our house having central air and all. I loved the sounds of the crickets chirping in unison like a cheerful church choir. The fireflies glowed off and on as I made my way towards the park where the fishing pond was located.
The streets of Branchville were deserted as usual. This was definitely a small town that pulled their sidewalks in before nightfall no matter what time of year.
I made my way silently into the deserted park, and headed over towards the thicket of pine and evergreen trees that lined the area just north of the pond. I was about ten or twelve yards from the edge of the pond, near where the big log was located when I suddenly heard something that caused me to stop dead in my tracks.
My heart was pounding, and I strained to make out the sounds I was hearing. It was familiar - yet not familiar for all the sense that made. I held my breath as if that would help the clarity of the noises that floated effortlessly to my ears.
Muffled sounds. Grunts and groans. Masculine sounding. And then a shrill whimper. And then another. It was hard to distinguish whether the whimpers were those of pleasure or pain--at first.
And then the realization hit me square in the face as I recognized the sounds of fucking. Not only that, but I knew it was Nathan by the deep, throaty growls and grunts.
"You like me pounding into that red-haired pussy of yours, girl?" he asked, his voice husky with lust. "You squeezing it like you're ready for me to come inside of you."
"Not yet, Nathan, please? I want more," Velma's quivering voice, cut through the darkness as I moved slowly towards the log.
As I moved into the clearing where the huge log was resting on the banks of the pond, the full moon cast its glow on the lapping water of the pond, causing a reflective light that served to illuminate the area, allowing me a bird's eye view of my best friend being fucked by my black man!
Chapter 7
I was livid at watching Velma, her back to me, as she moved up and down on Nathan's big cock. She swiveled her full, rounded hips down on him, leaning forward so that her clit was rubbing against his abdomen. I knew exactly how that felt. I had even described in great detail how I had ridden Nathan's cock the same way she was right at this moment.
"Mmm, oh you feel so damn good, Nate," she gasped, as her momentum picked up. "Pru was right about your cock. I know I'm not going to be able to last much longer," she rasped.
I watched as Nathan's large black hands braced on either side of her hips, as he rolled them so that she was in sync with his thrusting from beneath her. He groaned again, pressing her ass tighter against him as he increased the tempo.
I wasn't going to stand by and watch this for one second longer! Before I could even think about it, I marched up to where they were, and shoved Velma with all of my strength, knocking her to the side, where her cunt released Nathan's cock, and she fell to the ground, landing with a loud "Oomph" on her ass.
"What the fuck!" Nathan yelled, his still erect dick dancing around as if searching for a wet pussy to bury itself into. I had just the one.
"You! You're fucking my best friend!" I accused, pulling my shift up over my head, and toeing off my sneakers.
"Hey girl, she said you weren't showing."
His eyes flickered over me, resting on my fancy black lace underwear, as he licked his bottom lip. "Red said she'd be glad to fill in . . . now what you think you're doing coming up on us and pushing the bitch off my cock?"
I turned to where Velma was getting up from the grass, rubbing her backside. I was speechless.
"I'll take care of you in a bit," Nathan snapped, giving me a hateful glare. "Near as I can tell, nobody owns me, despite the fact we're south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Now you, Prudence," he continued, the anger still very much evident in his voice, "You have a choice. You can stay, as long as you keep your mouth shut, and wait your turn. Or, if you find that too difficult, then you can just high tail your uppity white ass out of here. Either way, I'm gonna finish what I started here with Red. It's your decision, but make it now cause I'm fixing to fuck her, and if you interrupt us again, I'll personally haul your ass outta here."
I was not only speechless; I was totally dumbfounded at Nathan's audacity, and even more so that my best friend had betrayed me like that.
Velma slinked by me, whispering a soft, "I'm sorry, Pru. I . . . I just couldn't help it." But that did little to appease my rising anger.
I wanted to walk away as if neither one of them were worth my time or my anger. I knew that I should put my pride ahead of any of this, walk away with my head held high. But that would have been too damn difficult to pull off and I knew it. I would be the odd girl out. I would be the one going without.
Fuck that!
I crossed my legs and lowered myself down to the soft grass, and bit my tongue to keep from verbally lashing out at the both of them. I needed to keep my mouth shut like Nathan had warned, because I had no doubt he would follow through on his threat if I didn't.
Nathan took Ve
lma by the hand as she crept back over to him, and pulled her naked body up against his in a passionate kiss---for my benefit, I was sure of that. So Nathan enjoyed the jealous bit that I'd played. I watched as his large hands dropped down to her ass, and he greedily messaged her cheeks, grinding his semi-erect dick against her crotch.
She moaned and writhed against him, their kissing getting more and more urgent and passionate. Nathan fisted her red ponytail, twisting her head back so that he could plant frenzied kisses on her neck and collarbone.
"I'm getting hard for you, Red," he said, "Your pussy getting wet for me?"
She nodded, and I watched as one of Nathan's hands snaked around, his fingers plunging inside of her cunt as she groaned and humped against him with lust and desire.
"Ah yeah. Nice and wet. That's my girl," he cooed, his mouth now capturing hers again. "C'mon. Big Nate wants to pump his big dick into your slick pussy. This time, I'm driving," he indicated, lowering her down to the soft grass next to the log. She stretched out before him, and momentarily her green eyes locked with my angry ones, but she looked away quickly. Her tongue flickered across her lower lip as she gazed up at Nathan, whose huge thighs were now spread wider so that they were braced on either side of her torso. They were like massive tree trunks.
His right hand guided his huge erection towards her, and as he lowered himself and entered her, I caught her audible gasp as he filled her cunt with himself. "Mmm," he moaned, "Nice and tight. Just the way I like my pussy," he remarked as he started a slow, methodical thrusting within her. "You doing okay?" he asked.
"Oh yes," she crooned, "You feel so damn good."
"Alright then. I'm going to start fucking you now."
He pulled back, and then plunged his cock back inside of her with one quick thrust. Velma cried out in pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his torso, and pulled him in even deeper when she did. Arching her back up to meet his deep thrusts.
I noticed they hadn't bothered with condoms, which was so unlike Velma. But then, I wasn't in a position to judge her less I was labeled a hypocrite myself.